Economics Editor of Sky News. You can find my guide to economics here: Views here are my own - except when they're someone else's
5 stories

Augmented-Reality Sandbox Turns Dirt Into a UI

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Kyle VanHemert, writing for Wired:

A Kinect camera mounted above the sandbox tracks the physical activity below. As visitors young and old go about their terraforming, a projector throws a dynamic topographic map on top of it all, updating contour lines and elevation colors in real time. Then, the fun part: a virtual rainstorm, also supplied by the projector, sends a torrent of blue water cascading down the peaks, showing runoff and watershed on the landscape created moments before.

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4157 days ago
Coolest sandbox ever
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Going, Going, Gone: Crisis-Plagued Madrid Sells Out

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In the midst of the crisis, Madrid's regional government and city administration are hawking their treasures and altering ordinances in order to make the Spanish capital more attractive to investors. The Spaniards are even selling the names of subway lines.
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4201 days ago
In its desperation to balance its books, Madrid is selling off the rights to name its subway lines
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Latvia and the Euro: Meet the EU's Newest Tax Haven

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Latvia will become the common currency area's newest member in January 2014 -- the same time that new tax laws go into effect allowing the country to compete with the likes of Cyprus and Malta. This could further destabilize the European economy.
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4208 days ago
Latvia will become a tax haven a la Cyprus at the same time as joining the EU
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A Thicker Hope


iOS 7 beta 3 came out this morning with a surprisingly major change: as I first saw reported by Sebastiaan de With and later more specificially identified by Neven Mrgan, the system font has allegedly been changed from Helvetica Neue Light to Helvetica Neue (regular).1 Compare:

It’s a subtle change in theory, but it has a huge effect — see for yourself. This paragraph is in Helvetica Neue Light if you’re on a device that has the Helvetica Neue family. (If not, you probably don’t care about fonts, so it will be Comic Sans.)

It’s a subtle change in theory, but it has a huge effect — see for yourself. This paragraph is in Helvetica Neue if you’re on a device that has the Helvetica Neue family. (If not, you probably don’t care about fonts, so it will be Comic Sans.)

See? Light weights look cool (moreso at larger sizes) and work well in advertising and logos, but are generally harder to read. The system font’s most important job is to be legible to as many people as possible in as many conditions as possible, so the previous choice was simply a bad design choice.

It represented one of Apple’s biggest recurring flaws: letting cool come before functional.2 With Ive’s new role leading UI design, I was afraid that we were in for a long series of such failures. And with iOS 7 being unveiled so publicly and confidently, I really didn’t think any decisions as significant as the system font would change before release.

Now, we know otherwise.

Apple’s stated design philosophy of iOS 7 was “clarity, deference, and depth”. They nailed deference and depth, but clarity has suffered in many big and small ways.

While the too-thin font was far from the only design flaw in iOS 7, I’d say it was the biggest. Just as the new APIs in iOS 7 were clearly the result of Apple listening to all of us, we now have a sign that they’re listening on the design front as well.

The best thing for us to do is to continue to make noise about the remaining issues.

  1. Naturally, as an NDA-bound developer, I cannot confirm this. Let’s assume it’s true for this post.

  2. We discussed this in ATP 19 at 1:02:45. Start at 57:45 if you have a few more minutes.

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4211 days ago
Apple has changed the font on its forthcoming iOS 7. Bit of a u-turn given it was supposed to be all about design
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1 public comment
4210 days ago
The Comic Sans and the indignant response were both great.

Fashion central: blend in on the Tube with these T-shirts

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Central Line t-shirt © Prang Out

We’ve heard of ‘fashion central’, but ‘fashion Central Line’? After one joyless early morning commute too many, graphic designer Edward Stone decided to make tube passengers smile by creating a T-shirt with the same pattern as the seats on Central Line underground carriages. Sadly, they’re not on sale, due to lack of TfL permission, but Stone’s seeking help from a very weighty source: us. ‘I just hope that someone from TfL sees this piece and that I could work with them to get it stocked in their store’. So come on TfL! Let’s turn an underground line into a clothing line!

For more of Edward’s designs, see

Central Line t-shirt © Prang Out

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4216 days ago
A t-shirt modelled on the seats on the tube. Yes really:
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